A review by soph_reads_too_much
Breathless by Jennifer Niven


I honestly don’t know where to begin with this review. This book moved me in such a personal and emotional way that I’m not even sure I’ll be able to fully relay that to you all in this review through words.

The best way to describe it is that this book made me want to dance. For context I used to be a dancer and found that when I was feeling emotional and upset I needed to dance in order to sort out and express those emotions. That is what this book made me want to do.

While I have not gone through exactly what Clew was going through in this book, I have shared so many of her same emotions and feelings which Niven described to a T.

From the feeling of friendship slipping away, to the symbolic floor disappearing from under your feet, to also the more simple feelings of being scared of change and what the future may bring.

I found many similarities between me andClew and I think that is what made the story so much more emotional and personal for me.

And while a lot of what I felt was sadness during this book, it also gave me hope. It allowed me to see that while everything may not be okay right now, they would be eventually, and I would get through it because I had to.

The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the ending of the book - purely because it was beautiful and genius and all I wanted was more.

I am definitely planning to read more of Niven’s works in the future.