A review by cj_mo_2222
Death Angel by Linda Fairstein


The latest installment of Linda Fairstein’s long-running Alexandra Cooper series is as rich in plot and New York City history as readers have come to expect from this excellent series. I enjoyed reading about Central Park and the Dakota and was surprised to learn many of the facts the author shares. Both locations, but especially Central Park, play a huge role in the plot, so the history imparted throughout the book isn’t just filler but is integral to the story. Facts about the large number of homeless youths in New York are heartbreaking and also are important to the plot. Fairstein is very skilled at taking the history and weaving it into a modern story. The book is very well-written and the plot about young women gone missing in Central Park is suspenseful, which makes this a book that is hard to put down.

I recommend this book to those who enjoy a well-written mystery with a touch of history. The book is accessible to readers unfamiliar with the series. New readers will enjoy the mystery, but may not appreciate some of the developments in Alex’s personal life as much as long-time readers. I usually adore Alex, but Mercer and his wife are my favorite characters in this installment. They are the intelligent, mature voices of reason in both their professional and personal lives. I have always enjoyed Alex’s friendship with Mike Chapman and there are some high points in this book, but they both act childish throughout much of this book. Alex becomes somewhat irritating with her need to always be right, even though she usually is! The mystery itself is excellent and the highlights of the personal stories are worth reading. The set up for a future book is there and leaves the reader eager to find out what happens next for Alex.

I received this book from NetGalley through the courtesy of Penguin Group/Dutton publishing. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.