A review by wandereaderr
Settling the Score by R.S. Grey


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God, I honestly don’t even know where to start with this novel. I was already wanting to read Scoring Wilder and after reading The Summer Games it only makes me want to read Kinsley and Liam’s story even more. But let’s not take the spotlight away from our two amazing protagonists: Andie Foster, the 21-year-old Olympic rookie, and Frederick Archibald, the British seasoned and celebrated Olympic swimmer.

“My self-control had reached its limit, and like the clownfish in Finding Nemo, I thought, I’m going to touch the butt.”

Andie Foster is literally one of my absolute favorite female protagonists after reading this exceptional and hilarious and heart-warming novel. God, she was so goddamn funny! Her banter between her, her best friends, and even Freddie and Georgie was just so completely entertaining to read and if there was 500 more pages of this book, I would just devour it. I also fell in love with the fact that she was so determined! She came to the Olympics to win big, and win big she certainly did. Even though the road was rocky and a helluva lot more dramatic than she envisioned, she came out on top. And it was just incredible taking that journey with her.

“’The worst part is, sometimes I want him to be alive again, not so that he can have his life back, but so that I can have mine.’”

Frederick Archibald is now in my top 5 of book boyfriends because, oh my god, he is completely and utterly dreamy and sensitive and just all around perfect. I’m still crying over him. Where’s my British swimmer? I’ve always had a fond appreciation of Speedos. I deserve my own Olympic swimmer. Don’t y’all agree?

Frederick has been in the spotlight for a while now, being the Duke of Farlington. This is also his fourth time at the Olympic games and the pressure is on for him to break the world records he set at the last games. Of course, as soon as his eyes land on Andie Foster, everything in his world shifts… dramatically. Unfortunately for both of them, Frederick is tied up in so many ways it’s ridiculous. That doesn’t stop them, of course. You just can’t kill true love, honey.

“’Feeling better?’ he asked, taking a step toward me.
I smiled. ‘Yes, but I need you to take your pants off.’”

Their first meeting is a giant clusterfuck, but isn’t it always that much more endearing? Who doesn’t love a good meet-cute? And right from the beginning, they have hella chemistry. It was actually almost tangible. Those are my favorite couples to read about; the couples that burn so damn bright, it’s impossible to look away. And trust me, my eyes were glued to Andie and Frederick.

“’You’re confident and you’re funny and they don’t know that, Andie. You’re more than what they see.”

Even in the worst of times, Frederick was there for Andie, trying to protect her from what she feared most from being with Frederick: being known for her relationship rather than what she was actually at the games for: winning the gold. In her own words, she even tells Frederick, “I’m here to win gold, not hearts.” Their relationship has its ups and downs, but it’s seriously a beautiful journey to take. And I advise each and every one of you to take this journey. It’s so worth it.

“I cradled her neck in my hands and dragged my finger across the center of her thighs. ‘I want you to come first. I want you to feel how good it can be with us.’”

And while their relationship can be devastatingly cute and emotionally rocky, it’s just as sensual and sexy as you could possibly imagine. It seems as if time slows down and the only people in the room are Andie and Frederick when they’re together. All of their sex scenes are true masterpieces—especially that scene on the third floor of the club. Trust me, you’ll need a cold shower after that one! Whew!

“Kinsley threw up her arms. ‘But Liam will be over here soon, and you are supposed to be our little baby beluga.’”

Kinsley and Becca are Andie’s best friends and soccer buddies. Their friendship is so important. Girls looking out for girls is definitely that shit that I like! It’s so important to see healthy and strong friendships between women and that’s exactly what R.S. Grey did with Becca, Kinsley, and Andie. They were there for her when she was down and rooting for her when she was at the top. And boy, were they hilarious! I loved how Kinsley and Becca were like two more moms for Andie, since they were seasoned Olympians and this was Andie’s first go at the Olympic Village. The friendship was truly amazing and I need my own Kinsley and Becca.

“’You’re a brilliant guide, I promise, but so far, you’ve shown me every boring destination on Mt. Olympus. Where are the sex rooms?’ She turned to me with wide eyes before rapping her foot on the solid ground. ‘Is there a dungeon?’”

As much as I loved Andie and Frederick, I am completely head-over-heels for Georgie, Freddie’s 18-year-old sister. She completely stole the show and I looked forward to scenes with her the entire novel. She was downright hilarious and devious and I believe she was Andie and Freddie’s biggest fan. Her voice was perfect and so damn entertaining; I was just completely smitten with her. I’m excited for the next novel in this series, because I know it’ll be beautiful, but I couldn’t help but be disappointed that it wasn’t Georgie’s shot at love. I was praying it would be four years later and she goes back to the Village with her brother and ends up finding her own athlete to fall in love. R.S. Grey, can you PLEASE make this happen? Love you dearly.

Y’all need to read this. Just do it. Please.

Happy Reading!
The Cosmic Reader