A review by lmrivas54
Dark Control by Annabel Joseph


Another dark and kinky story except this one is way kinkier. In what they call a consensual non-consent, Fort and Juliet embark in a sadist/masochist relation. This is not BDSM, where there are safe words, and the games are geared to the pleasure of both partners. In this new game, the submissive submits to being hurt and submits all control to the dominant, and he is in charge of evaluating and deciding how much she can take. And they take A LOT of pleasure in causing pain, sadists that they are. And this is not for her pleasure, but for his pleasure in giving pain. The orgasms are a side-effect. Jeez.

Fort meets Juliet outside of The Underworld, a popular BDSM club in New York. Fort and his friends are looking at the place with scorn because it's more for posturing than the real thing. They are patrons of The Gallery, a super-secret and exclusive BDSM club where the scene is truly hardcore no-safe-word BDSM, especially for the sadists who engage in vicious play. Since The Gallery only opens on Saturdays, this trio of sadists were looking for masochist candidates in Underworld with no success.

Fort finds Juliet totally wasted, reclining on the outside wall of the Underworld. He's concerned because she's totally vulnerable to attack in her inebriated state. As he says: “I might be a sadistic dominant, but I’m also a decent human being, and she was alone and distressed in a not-so-great area of the city”. He helps her to his apartment and takes care of her.

Juliet is thirty-two years old and has been working as the business manager of Goodluck Boundless, a famous photographer and slightly crazy artist, since her graduation from University ten years ago. She has been partly responsible for his success because he's like a crazy, absent-minded, self-involved boss. I loved Goodluck's dialogues. He sounds like he's on a crack trip but it was hilarious.

I loved Juliet. She was real, kind-hearted, sincere, funny with bad luck in boyfriends. The parts where the author presents Juliet’s thoughts, she is presented as this wise person with a big heart but a penchant for douchey dominants. Fort immediately recognizes her soul and is taken with her but he's wary about relations and prefers to keep an emotionless approach. They start a sadist/masochists relationship, but with the understanding that it will never go anywhere and there will be no emotional involvement. Juliet is already a little involved but goes into the relation because she wants to experiment the lifestyle and wants to get near Fort.

I knew that Juliet falling for Fort was a given. What I enjoyed was seeing how Fort was enchanted with Juliet against his will. He fought like a lion but love was strong and Juliet was irresistible. For those who enjoy the scenes, there are several sado-masochist events, in which Fort really administers some pain but Juliet really likes it. I cringed a little reading these parts, but do recognize that some people do like this, so no judgement. I found it very real that Juliet was conflicted but in the end, she found that she did like the scenes and she did look forward to them. I liked that Fort was in charge, he was careful and when they were in the Gallery, he was possessive and protective. For a sadist, he was a little insecure of love and afraid of being hurt but he really was a good man.

I guess you could say this was a great kinky love story.

I received this ARC for reviewing and willingly do so.