A review by imyerhero
I, Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Born 10 B.C., Murdered and Deified A.D. 54, by Robert Graves


I’ll admit, I couldn’t really get into this book until the last 100 or so pages. I just couldn’t be interested with all the bloodshed and debauchery and intrigues. When one person died I figured another person worse would take their place; or if a truly good character was introduced all I thought was “well, they’re toast.” However, Livia absolutely disgusted me. I can’t imagine how someone could slowly poison their own children and grandchildren. Claudius himself stirred a little sympathy in me – mostly because of how he was ignored by everyone in his family – although that saved his life. She was only outdone by Caligula – but the book didn’t go into as much detail about his atrocities. I found I could only laugh at him (mostly because of World Thought and Culture class in college). I’m interested to read the second book of Claudius, but I think I might put it off for a while.`