A review by cherryredsreads
Searching for Beautiful by Jennifer Probst


***Book can be read as a standalone but I HIGHLY suggest you read this whole series!!!***

WOLFE!!!  The man is just that!  He can come stake his claim on me whenever he wants to!

And here we go into why I Loved this book. 

Genevieve and Wolfe are best friends who have always been there for each other except for the past year.

Genevieve runs out on her wedding day and Wolfe happens to be there at the right time to help her with escaping from her fiancée David who she feels is not the one to marry.  There is just something off.... I would be a runaway bride if Alex Minsky said he wanted me. 

I really liked how Jennifer Probst developed these characters.  Wolfe is an alpha but with a softy heart and such a romantic especially when it comes to Genevieve.  He is possessive, quiet but when he speaks.. you listen!  Genevieve feelings for Wolfe have always been there but she is not sure if he feels the same way.  She is always putting others 1st and she begins to notice that she has to start doing this for herself.  Wolfe helps show her what it is like to be free and just go with her instinct on what she wants.  No more holding back.

Well Wolfe is tired of holding back his feelings for Gen, and when he lets them be known....

well damn!  Yeah their chemistry is off the chain hot!!  And the little or really I should say BIG surprise about Wolfe

This book is full of love, humor, heartfelt moments that make you swoon, discovering oneself and making changes for the good and bad.  Love and happiness can be found when you least expect it.

I really enjoyed this book.  Go get this book & get addicted to everything Jennifer Probst!

**ARC kindly provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

5 Cherries Popped