A review by novelesque_life
My Husband's Wife by Jane Corry



Sigh...the title gives away the story in my opinion. For me there were surprises as the title and other clues seemed to reveal it all before the end.

"It won't be so bad when you're there, says my new husband before kissing me on the mouth. He tastes of Rice Krispies and that strong toothpaste of his which I still haven't gotten used to. I know, I say before he peels off to the bus stop on the other side of the road. Two lies. Small white ones. Designed to make the other feel better. But that's how some lies start. Small. Well meaning. Until they get too big to handle."

The novel tries to start out like Rebecca with clever lines, but it kind of falls flat. Lily and Ed's marriage seems forced to make the story work. Lily seems judgemental but naive. Ed has nothing redeemable about him, and I found myself shaking my head so much at him, I was starting to get nauseous. Then there is Carla, manipulative and self-centered and also made me shake my head. The one thing this book had going for it was that it kept me reading till the end. I wanted to see if I was right and if Ed, Carla and Lily get what they deserved. I would read another book by Corry.