A review by atarbett
Elizabeth's Wolf by Lora Leigh

Did not finish book.
I literally can't even with this book. I will admit that the story line had me interested. I am curious as to what is the deal with Cassie and Grange. But here's the thing. The romance part of the book (i.e. THE ENTIRE FREAKING POINT OF THE BOOK), has me grinding my teeth. And it's not just the cringe-worthy sex talk. It's that Elizabeth is a total fucking idiot. Dash is kind of stalker-ish towards Elizabeth and Cassie from page one, but whatever, I'll let that slide. It's the premise of the book. But when they finally meet face to face, within like MINUTES of them meeting, Dash threatens to kidnap Cassie. He says that explicitly! "If you don't come with me willingly, I'm taking your daughter anyways."


And Elizabeth just accepts that. "Oh, isn't that sweet that he cares so much." NO! It isn't sweet. It's fucking dangerous and creepy. I cannot stand how Elizabeth is just going along with this. Okay, look. I know that this is supposed to be a fantasy of "big strong guy cares enough to protect you." I even get (after reading a total of one and a half books by Leigh) that the bossy, domineering, jackass is apparently her "type." But she's taking it too far for me. I get that we, as the reader, know that Dash is not dangerous to Elizabeth & Cassie. BUT ELIZABETH DOES NOT KNOW THAT! As far as her interactions with this man have gone, there is absolutely no reason for her to trust Dash and many reasons for her to actively distrust him. TSTL is a depressingly common trope for romance novels, but OMG, this just takes it to a whole new level.

I might be masochistic enough to continue the series. Because as I said, I do find the plot and the world interesting. But I am 100% done with this book.