A review by willowisp79
Hidden Lies by Lydia Reeves


So another book I came into blind. I'm nor sure what I expected - well, no, I kind of expected a bit of a bully story line I guess.

There wasn't any bully Storyline in this. It was a slow Paced, very slow Burn between the Fmc and mmcs relationships and it was a long time until we found out exactly what Camilla had been thrown into.

After losing her parents to a fire, Camilla had been sent to her estranged Aunts who she had never met and knew little about. She on return sent her to Lost Lake Academy - a boarding school. Camilla gets there to find out all the wealthy kids go there, all the polituabs kids, actors, rock stars, and rumors of criminal organisation kids.

On her first day she meets Garratt, Micah and Devan and is warned of rumors about how strange they are. Her roommates Nora, Frank and Julie seem nice... Until she meets Julies boyfriend Drew who is really the catalyst to the rest of the problems that happen. He's a smarmy, conceited, nasty piece of work who actually picks on Julie and no one stands up to him. This frustrates Camilla as she can't understand WHY.

This opens up a ton of issues and opens up the reality of who she really is, and who the 3 guys are.

The actual story is good. It just feels like it's lacking a bit of.... Spark? There are moments of it, but I find myself skim reading which is how I now it's not holding my full attention. The chemistry between the 3 guys and Camilla isn't very hot sadly and it doesn't pick up until later on in the book.

I'm going to go onto the next book and hope for a bit more spark!