A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
A Case for Love by Kaye Dacus


I loved both Stand-in Groom and Menu for Romance (both are bargain priced @ Amazon!) and was really looking forward to reading about Forbes who I absolutely love, in A Case for Love. I really enjoyed it! Kaye Dacus definitely has the knack when it comes to writing "real" characters. Forbes and Alaine, even though they are beautiful, successful people struggle with their faith, their families and their careers just as we do. The storyline is very interesting and I was pleasantly surprised at how interesting law could be, it helps that Forbes is a total hottie (sorry I just haaad to add that :-P) and would make a story about paint drying fun! The romance between Alaine and Forbes is so sweet, I love it! Kaye proves that single gals can write terrific romance! I will definitely be reading her next contemporary romance series, The Matchmakers, due out later this year!

*I received my free influencer copy from Kaye Dacus and Angie Brillhart @ Barbour Publishers.*