A review by miapboyer
Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor


SpoilerI'm starting to see that most, if not all, books by this author, at least the ones I've read, are slow and flat. They leave me feeling 'meh' at the end. Not much, if any, excitement. If there are romances, they're bland.

This book should be in a series with Winter Cottage, as they go hand in hand with each other. I guess they're not because you don't need to read either to underatand the other. 

The family line in this book was hard to keep up with, just like with Winter Cottage. There was a family tree at the beginning to help out. But it was only about the Bucchanan and Jessup families, not all the other more main characters, so it wasn't SUPER helpful. 

With that said, the most excitement I felt from this book was the drama between Megan & Helen (her almost mother in law/grandmother of her baby). If my mother in law/ baby's grandmother acted the way Helen did, I would have lost my shit LONG ago on her! Acting the way she did in the hospital, she had some nerve! Trying to pressure Megan into naming the baby what SHE wanted instead of what Megan wanted, giving her shit about having trouble nursing her newborn and insisting on getting a nurse instead of letting Megan figuring out how to do it on her own when that's what she clearly stated she wanted... Lord Jesus, I would have thrown her out of the hospital, quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Later, when Megan finally told Helen that Scott had cheated on her before the wedding, and that's why she called it off, I cheered! It was about time she put Helene in her place! 

Finding out in the end that Grandmother Jessup was Adele, the daughter of Diane, was a nice twist.