A review by eyelikewhales
Camp David by David Walliams


2.5/5 stars.
So as a kid I watched Little Britain, I didn't understand any of the jokes but I still though it was funny. Recently I was watching David Walliams swim the English channel on youtube and I wanted to know more about him, he's a really funny guy but what did I really know about David Walliams?

Well first of all, this book is incredibly honest, in this book Walliams talks about his depression, reading that was hard. Even though he appears as a happy funny guy on screen, during the filming of the first series of Little Britain David was incredibly depressed most of the time and contemplated suicide multiple times throughout his life.
He talks about family, friends and girlfriends he had over time. Learning about how many different jobs/roles he had before Matt and him wrote Little Britain was interesting.

I did skim a lot towards the end as I didn't get all the shows he was talking about and I didn't know who some of the english comedians were. I also spotted a few typos too.

Overall I enjoyed this and the writing was pretty simple and easy to follow, it wasn't an amazing book but it was nice to learn a bit more about how Walliams got to where he is now.