A review by octavia_cade
Greek Myths Revisited by Bennie Newsome, Cynthia D. Witherspoon, D.C. White, Chris Ledbetter, Livia Finucci, Octavia Cade, Jeff Chapman, Isabelle Rose, Reggie Lutz, Richard Jay Goldstein, Carl Barker, Samuel Gibb, Anne Johnson, Anna Stephens, Jessica A. Weiss, Stephanie Downey, Scotti Matics, Tory Brannigan, O.J. Cade, Jinny Webber, Amber Norris, Leigh Dragoon


An anthology of retellings inspired by Greek mythology that I've finally gotten round to reading. One of my early stories ("Requiem") is in here, however, so this is hardly an unbiased review. It probably says more about me than anything else, but my main reaction was surprise at all the sci-fi retellings! I feel stupid for not thinking of the possibility myself, but I like science fiction and I like myth and so mash-ups of the two worked well for me. In fact, my favourite story of the collection, "Demeter's Heir" by Leigh Dragoon, was Persephone-in-space and I thought it was fantastic.