A review by elros451
A Contract in Sol Forne by Élan Marché, Christopher Warman


4.5 stars

A Contract in Sol Forne is just as good, if not better than it's predecessor Seasons of Albadone. It has a more traditional, narrower, story structure but loses nothing by diving into the heads of the two best characters in the series yet. Vaelin is an ancient djinn who is finally at the end of her long quest to ensure her freedom and Dorovan is a young man brought up on the tales of his dissolved noble heritage. In the midst of a conspiracy to control the port city of Sol Forne the two are forced to work together to achieve their goals. How both Vaelin and Dorovan change throughout the book and how they are portrayed (including the bad *cough cough Dorovan) is a huge highlight of this sequel.

Sol Forne also continues Albadone's tradition of being a complete stand alone story with hints at a larger narrative. Series that consist of standalone novels are always huge favorites of mine and The Eighth Chant is no exception. It knows how to give the reader the right number of hints at the larger narrative and how to slowly build tension between different sections of the world. I need the sequel! There are too many questions I'm interested in.

Thank you to the authors for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review! Sol Forne is a fantastic book. If you are thinking about picking it up (or Albadone) you should! I highly recommend them and I have a feeling that the story will only continue to get better from here.