A review by cattytrona
The Sopranos by Alan Warner


lyrical! really really beautifully voiced. i  love reading scots, and i think this finds the poetry in the language, the kennings, almost? whilst not being too hard to read. books should be oral, you know (the sopranos laugh loudly at me).

moreover, very fun and also very sad, and (connected to that, perhaps) very scottish literary fiction. there’s the jean brodie (catholicism, school girls) and the wasp factory (nastiness), but with an empathy, an internal kind of kindness, that isnt particularly a priority in those stories i just mentioned. interestingly, i think it has become a more pressing concern in recent scottish lit - i’d be curious to sit this next to something like shuggie bain, which i haven’t read yet.

anyway, loved this. it totally took me by surprise, bc my only touchstone going in was the film trailer, which is very light and feel-good, and gives no hints about how explicit/frank this gets. this isn’t light or feel-good, but it is just standard good 👍