A review by mpr2000
One Kiss Before Christmas by Emma Jackson


Are you following your dreams or your parents’ dreams?
This is a question everyone asks to themselves at least once in their life, are you working in your job because you like it or because your parents pressure you to do it? Are you married with the person you love or the one that your parents like?
This is a love story, but at the same time it will question the reader if the choices they have made in all their life are influenced by other people or because they wanted to do it. And I think that this is a very important point in any adult person, to value and respect our life choices, even if we have to disappoint our families sometimes, it’s important that we respect enough ourselves to follow our dreams and passions.
This is the story of Ashleigh and Olivier, they were “friends” when they were young but it has been years since they have seen each other, now fate has made them meet again. He works in Paris while she works in Brighton; he follows his father steps, she follows her mother steps; but the main question is, are they following their dreams?
There are some sub-plots mixed on the romance between Ash and Olivier, friends and family will be part of the story too, making it more interesting and in my case wanting to know more about the secondary characters (maybe in another book?).
This is a book that will put a smile to any reader, sweet and realistic will make you dream of a better life and a sweet Christmas kiss. Ready?