A review by obscuredbyclouds
China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F. McHugh


This book made me feel so many things. It made me wanna pick up my old Chinese textbooks (how excited I got to get the slang), go deeper into Marxist theory, read more Sci-Fi, and of course continue my Maureen F. McHugh marathon (which might become difficult, because I can't seem to find the rest of her books).

I know China Mountain Zhang is her most popular and best-known novel, but despite my 5 star rating, it is not my absolute favourite. It's almost 30 years old, and while (and don't get me wrong, I mean it) this is an excellent novel, I do think her writing has gotten even more refined.

Some reviews have mentioned that the story here isn't terribly exciting; that's true. It's a novel that lives on it's world-building and it's characters, and both is done excellently. I could picture both the future USA after the Chinese marxist revolution, as well as the Mars colonies. I'm not a big Sci fi reader so suspense of believe can sometimes be difficult for me, but almost all the futurist elements worked for me. I know all the characters, but especially Zhang will stay with me.