A review by anya_doesntmatter
The Impossible Boy by Anna Martin


I’m Just gonna dive right in and say: I ALMOST gave up on this book when I read the words “It’s a he.” I cringed because I know just how much it hurts to be referred to as an “it”. It pulled me out of the story and I had to think long and hard in regards to the author’s intent. I'm a stickler for getting it right when writing about marginalized peoples. #TeachableMoments #KnowledgeAndEmpathy My feelings were still in turmoil as I plowed on.... and I am so happy I did!

I really like these characters. Stan is a welcome surprise! I like that his non-binary gender identity is not the central focus driving the story. Stan fought that battle eons ago. He's comfortable in his skin and knows who he is. Then there's Ben. Ben is based on outward appearance a bad boy (with a heart of gold). An aspiring musician, Ben is the type of guy anyone would be lucky to have. He’s considerate, driven and cares deeply for Stan and his comforts.

The story focused on Ben and Stan getting to know each other, drawing strength from each other building a relationship and taking that next step when people decide to embark on that journey of “us”. These two working together and compromising speaks true to successful real-life relationships. It’s all about putting in the grunt work and baring your soul, being vulnerable and hoping that your significant other will still take you as you are. Ben does this for Stan and vice versa. I just about cried during those tender and sometimes painful moments.

This book is angst free and so full of heart. I was completely invested in their relationship, completely immersed in their world, their hearts, their minds and I could relate to an extent to their individual battles. I recommend it if you’re looking for a realistic sweet read. the only drawback was the unfortunate turn of phrase in the beginning, other than that everything else was beautifully written.

My Personal Anna Martin faves:
[b:Tattoos & Teacups|15719569|Tattoos & Teacups (Tattoos, #1)|Anna Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1340509796s/15719569.jpg|21391735], [b:Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me|29968489|Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me|Anna Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1461201305s/29968489.jpg|50363930]
[bc:Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me|29968489|Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me|Anna Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1461201305s/29968489.jpg|50363930] [bc:Tattoos & Teacups|15719569|Tattoos & Teacups (Tattoos, #1)|Anna Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1340509796s/15719569.jpg|21391735]

*ARC provided by publisher for review at my discretion*