A review by dreamingreads
Teach Me by K.A. Tucker


3.75⭐️ Abbi and Henry are finally reunited and ready to move forward with their “relationship”. The status of their relationship, after two whole books, is “seeing where things go” (Henry’s words). “Seeing where things go?”? SEEING WHERE THINGS GO??!!!! After 2 books?! Omg. We are then dropped with a major bombshell that Abbi’s dad has suffered a serious injury, so Abbi needs to go home asap, thus seperating from Henry.

The first half of the book took place at Abbi’s family farm and it was a little boring. It was mostly Abbi’s mom yelling at her, Jed being annoying and not taking a damn hint, and Abbi being sad over missing Henry while they try to do a long-distance “seeing where things go”ship.

We finally see a sweeter side to Henry in this book (well it seems sweeter after two whole books of barely any affection). Henry shows his feelings for Abbi by being very generous with his money and always taking care of her needs throughout the book. I won’t lie, I did swoon a little when he flew her out to see her dad and hired the best surgeon in the country to save his life.

Halfway through the book, things went from 0-100 (the biker bar scene