A review by helenephoebe
Date with Poison by Julia Chapman


I was looking forward to finding out how Samson's past problems would resolve themselves, but it really seems to be dragging on and still isn't resolved at the end of this book, which is a little frustrating.

If you're new to this series, you really need to at least have read the previous book in the series ([b:Date with Mystery|36162092|Date with Mystery (Dales Detective, #3)|Julia Chapman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1514218832l/36162092._SY75_.jpg|57771804]) as this one is more of a continuation than the others in the series which could stand alone. This one really brings Samson to the forefront and we get more of the loveable Tolpuddle as well, which is great.

The story is as ever engaging and the writing is easy to follow, again listening on audiobook while I'm working these books really make the day pass faster I have to admit. I've got around a month to wait before the next one in the series is available through my library's audiobook service, but I've got it on reserve so will be waiting with baited breath to see how Samson and Delilah's story continues!