A review by ness11
All I Need by Jennifer Van Wyk


*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*

4.5 "Baby Goats" Stars

All I Need left me in such a feel good mood. I couldn't stop the smiles from forming on my face. It had me laughing and swooning so hard. It also had that emotional aspect in which tugged at my heartstrings. Oh, and that twist? I definitely did not see coming. I was all around surprised, that's for sure. And Ellie and Walker? Yeah, I couldn't get enough of them.

Ellie has been through a lot. At a young age she's been alone. With parents that never paid attention to her, and basically raising herself. You can see that it's difficult for her to show emotion or trust people. And that's why with her fiancé knowing what she's been through she can't believe that he'd hurt her the way he did. It's taken her years to recover from the betrayal at the hands of her ex-fiancé. And now, as she's ready to marry her current fiancé he betrays her just the same, if not worse. She's angry, but more so with herself for believing and trusting it would be different this time. If there's one thing Ellie knows for sure is she won't trust that easily again, or better yet, not trust at all.

Walker, oh boy he's something else. He's charming, charismatic, loving, and caring, he's just every good thing. Annnnnd he's a veterinarian, this hunk of a man caring for animals, I mean come on, swoon for days. He's such a good man, and the way he cares and is always there for his nephew is everything. He has so much to offer, and that's why when he sees a fiery woman about to go ballistic on the side of a road he offers his help. And from that point on, the rest is history. It's only a matter of time before he wants to give her everything.

Ahhhhhh! Ellie and Walker just brought ALL the giddiness in me. These two were every-freakin-thing! They had undeniable chemistry. They had witty banter. They were just so good together. I loved how Walker was patient with Ellie after everything she'd been through. He wanted to gain her trust more than anything. Ellie was meant to be on the side of the road at that particular moment Walker was driving by. These two were just meant to be.

All in all, All I Need was an enjoyable read all around.