A review by lizabethstucker
Birdsongs by Jason Deas


3.5 out of 5 stars.

Retired FBI Agent Benny James, now a consulting private investigator in Tilley, Georgia, helps the local police with their cases when needed.  The discovery of a crucified body in a house under construction is definitely one of those cases.  

R. C. Boyd has been releaed from the penitentiary after close to thirty years for a murder he didn't commit.  Now he's on his way to Tilley to find the man he blames for his incarceration, determined to beat the man to death.  He's more than aware that he'll be going back to prison.

Red Jasper was developmentally challenged after being raised by a deaf-mute couple with little contact with those who, like him, could speak and hear.  After the death of his mother, his last surviving parent, he takes a newspaper clipping she had and headed toward Tilley.  Mistaking Benny's house for a fire station based on the red fence surrounding it, Red may have found a new home as well as someone willing to help him find the truth about his life.

Three stories converging in a small town bring death and danger, redemption and revenge, love and friendship.

I've had this 2009 ebook on my Kindle for a long time, interested enough to keep it, but not enough to put it at the top of my TBR list.  I finally decided it is time to focus on those books that were either freebies or 99 cents, either to read them or unhaul them.  While checking this particular selection's Goodread reviews, I was confronted with a "hate or love" situation.  

My initial impressions was that Benny might be the weakest of all the key characters, Considering since he is the MAIN character, that is a problem.  He is also the center around which all the others orbit.  I do love RC and Red, Vernon and the rest of the locals in Tilley, but Benny...not so much.  I didn't hate him however and, when he was interacting with Red, I liked him well enough.

Overall I enjoyed the book more than I expected, but more for those characters rather than the murder mystery.  It is kinda obvious that this is a debut author who either self-published or went with a very small press.  The writing is rough and could've benefited by a good editor or even a decent beta reader.  That said, the characterization alone shows that Deas has great potential.  

As to the romance?  Yeah, that didn't work for me and I read romances!  I've never been a fan of insta-sex, even when there is real chemistry between the two people.  And I didn't see any here.

It's still 99 cents at Amazon for those interested.