A review by essinink
Dope by Sara Gran


Generally, it's not a good sign when it takes me more than a week to get to my write-up, but this time it's not the book's fault. It's just timing, timing, and terrible timing...

I spent most of this read wound up in a tight ball of stress, trying desperately to distract myself while also paying attention to my email and rescheduling various commitments. Needless to say, this was not the best reading environment, and it would have doomed a lot of books to complete obscurity in my memory. And yet, despite all that, Sara Gran's Dope kept all the attention I had to spare, yanked me in unexpected directions with its twists and turns, and socked me in the gut at the end.

It was brilliant.

One of these days, I will reread and give this book a proper review. For now, I'm just going to direct you to carol. and Melissa, whose reviews inspired me to read this book.