A review by snoakes7001
A Robot in the Garden by Deborah Install


I admit, I blagged an ARC of this for no better reason than I liked the cover.  If I'm totally honest, I thought it might be a bit too chic-lit to really be to my taste, but fortunately I was wrong about that.  Set in the near future (essentially now, but with added androids), it's an engaging tale of Ben and Tang, the robot that turns up one day in his garden.  If I have any (very slight) criticism it is that the setup of a driven, organised woman saddled with a feckless bloke is a bit of a cliché.  However, it is only a cliché because it's a jolly good setup for a story, so don't let that put you off. Anyway the story isn't really about Amy and Ben - it's about Tang.  And Tang is adorable.  If you don't fall for him hook, line and sinker then you truly have a heart made of stone.