A review by readingvicariously
Helena by Claire L. Smith


Lots of atmosphere, imagery, and terror in such a short amount of pages! I really liked how the ghosts would just pop up out of nowhere and instantly turn any scene into a fright-filled nightmare, keeping me on my toes as I read. The character Helena is also a relatable and engaging protagonist, with a lot of mystery around her that was fun to try and figure out

I did feel a little lost with some of the other characters, and it took me about halfway through to get a handle on who everyone is. Some scenes and pacing seem choppy, and sometimes there are just too many descriptive phrases and strange word choices. But all of these qualms vanished, or moved to the background, in the second half of the book where things really picked up for me. Overall it’s an interesting (if occasionally confusing) story with some truly creepy scenes! Would be interested in seeing what this author comes out with next!