A review by pebbles1984
In the Land of the Long White Cloud by Sarah Lark, D.W. Lovett


My favourite genre (historical fiction) combined with my favourite country (New Zealand). What could be better? Well, quite some things, as it turns out.

The book had a slow start for me, I thought the writing was a bit mediocre and the story didn't attract me so much. Luckily, after a few chapters, I got used to the writing, the story moved from England to New Zealand which made it more interesting, and I accepted the fact that instead of a beautiful historically rich family saga I would have to settle for a lighter and more romantic read.

I feel mixed about the story itself. There were a few parts that were interesting and kept me reading because I was curious about what would happen next, a lot of parts that were just okay and I neither loved nor hated, and a few parts that just dragged on. It felt like quite a long read (I know it has over 700 pages, but still!). What I missed mostly was history. Yes, it's set in the last half of the 19th century, and yes, that becomes clear from the descriptions of people, homes and travel. I like to learn from my historical fiction books, and I feel this was quite a shallow account of colonial New Zealand life. Nothing I couldn't have found out for myself in a matter of seconds, or I didn't know already. Also, there are several serious topics in the book
Spoiler(rape, emotional abuse, physical abuse, orphans, murder, suppression of Maori people),
, but it remains a light read. I prefer to experience more emotions when such topics are covered, but the author wasn't able to evoke those in me. There were several characters I really liked, a few I hated. Also, all the scenes with
Spoiler Gwyneira and James made me feel like the cover of the book should be one of those Harlequin-ones with a muscular rough-looking half dressed man holding a young woman who adoringly gazes up to him in his arms
. There were some strange leaps in time as well, with glossing over or not even writing about very important events, or 5 years covered in two pages.

I did really enjoy the descriptions of the New Zealand landscape, and I liked reading about places I visited, like Christchurch an Queenstown, when they were just tiny developing settlements.

I bought all three books on a Kindle deal, so I'll read the other two as well. At least now I know what to expect and I can read them when I'm in the right mood and adjust my expectations accordingly.