A review by kimberlybea
Deader Still by Anton Strout


PLEASE NOTE: this is the second book in the Simon Canderous series, and contains spoilers for the first book.
When we last saw Simon Canderous, he was invited to join the Fraternal Order of Goodness, otherwise known as the FOGies, and had a new girlfriend, Jane, who was formerly with the Bad Guys and whom Kim found to be a bit of a bimbo. Well, Jane is still around, but has become competent (to the point of actually saving Simon's skin a couple times) and less obnoxious. In fact, Simon has become the obnoxious one, increasingly jealous of her relationship with Thaddeus Wesker, her boss in the Greater and Lesser Arcana Division. At the same time, a mysterious woman from Simon's less than respectable past shows up and, oh yeah, did we mention the boatload of dead lawyers? They have been drained of blood. . .
So all the ingredients I liked in Dead to Me are still here, and the portrayal of Jane is much improved. My opinion of her has changed from dislike to toleration, and I actually felt sympathy for her when Simon was being a jealous butthead. Which, unfortunately, he was quite a bit, when he wasn't being more nosy and intrusive than I can really accept. Since Simon's psychometric abilities force upon him knowledge that really isn't any of his business, Strout has the opportunity to show this has negatively affected his notion of privacy and personal barriers, and I hope he does. Then again, I don't quite feel like he has struck the right balance between Simon's personal relationships and the fast-paced paranormal action, but I have hopes for future installments in the series.
I can't end this review without mentioning my favorite new character in the series: Godfrey Candella. I actually relate more to Godfrey than to any of the female characters so far---he is an archivist, impeccably dressed, and geeky, and unaware he has any special abilities to offer. I hope Godfrey sticks around, because his brand of awkward eagerness adds a lot to the series.