A review by bookscoffeepie
Tidal Wave by E.M. Lindsey


This book puts the reader through the emotional wringer in all the right ways. Gunner and Logan are so obviously alone and struggling as they slowly come together, you can’t help but stay invested in their journey. Just be ready for your heart to be torn out and put back together sloooowwwwly.

I’m not a big slow-burn/angst fan but this book is worth the commitment - every obstacle makes sense, every choice feels like it could be the only one at that time. While reading, I spent most of my time thinking, “ACK! Of course that’s what you have to do! I am so sorry!” This is a good thing, honest. I’m not a biker-club romance fan, so having the obstacles reflect the world the MCs navigated instead of a pretty fairytale was key for my enjoyment. That said, the pacing was almost too slow at points which ultimately took this down a star for me.

I received a free copy of this book. This is my honest and unbiased review.