A review by thatpaintedpony
Batman: War Games Book One by Andersen Gabrych


I've read most of Act One of War Games before (a long time before) but I enjoyed this edition for the prelude to the body of the story, as there are a lot of threads that tie into this collection. I find this a really enjoyable arc, as all of the big Batman disasters in Gotham tend to be - No Man's Land is another favourite of mine. War Games includes all my favorites, Nightwing, Cassandra Cain as Batgirl and Barbara Gordon as Oracle, Tim Drake even though he's not currently Robin - he's my Robin. I like the implication that runs through this arc, that Batman's mistakes, his attitudes, the way he treats his "family" are what have set this disaster in motion, directly or indirectly. He's the one who set the dominoes toppling. I've never read the second act of War Games so I look forward to that when I can get my hands on it. The writing is tight, the characterisations are good. there's a couple of art styles that crop up here that I don't like much, but on the whole this is a really good read.