A review by elylibrarysec
Fearless by Chelle Bliss


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Makenna is a woman who knows what she wants to do. Austin is a man who doesn’t give up. Will his persistence pay off? This may seem as if it’s about an older man and younger woman but I didn’t find it to be an issue. Never would have known if it wasn’t put out there. It’s just about someone who has more life experience than someone else.

It wasn’t long before this book became very addictive. If you’ve not read this author before than this would be a good choice to see what her writing style is like. You’ll get some chuckles along with two people that are fighting an attraction that’s not hard to see. It was nice to get to know family without them overtaking the story. But it may make you curious as to whether they have their own story or not – author will give you a hint on that if you read her Letter To The Reader.

This was a quick read that you can get done in one day – I didn’t want it to end. One thing I liked was that the author made me feel as if I was a part of the story. It was as if I was standing on the sidelines watching these characters interact with each other. What was sad was that this was just a small point in time but an ending that leaves you smiling is never a bad thing. If you’re a fan of military romances than you might want to check this one out.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.