A review by katekate_reads_
Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to date someone famous? And not just the fun perks of restaurant reservations or flying first class - but the true day to day life in the spotlight?

Olivia has just moved to LA to start her own law firm with a friend. While she waits for her house to be ready, she’s staying in a hotel. One night in the hotel bar she meets a man who looks vaguely familiar. It’s LA so she figures he must be an actor and doesn’t ask. After their great conversation, they part without exchanging any contact info - and she turns on the tv and realizes he’s a CA senator.

When their paths cross again - they are able to see if that initial spark can go any further. I loved so much about this book. I loved the way it tackled a number of real life issues. I loved the way we saw Olivia and Max grow and change and support each other even when they disagreed. As always - Jasmine Guillory made me hungry on every page with all the great food descriptions. And this had one of my favorite romance endings. I loved this so much and look forward to reading it again one day.

Thank you to Berkley for the free advance reading copy.