A review by evreardon
Dead Air: The Complete Season 1 by Gwenda Bond, Rachel Caine, Carrie Ryan


This was such an awesome format, especially for a murder mystery. Every episode ended on a cliffhanger and it was so neat reading bite-sized pieces of fiction every week. Don't get me wrong, there were some weeks I couldn't believe I had to wait until next Wednesday for more. But there's something fun about enjoying a little bit at a time.

And the podcast made things a little repetitive but the pros outweighed the cons. I liked that there was expanded content so it didn't feel like you were just hearing an audiobook version of each episode.

The mystery was fresh and thrilling. The characters truly felt alive and I was wholly invested in this investigation! Macy Walker felt like Veronica Mars reincarnated. I loved her voice and her determination.

I highly recommend Dead Air and I can't wait to see if there's more! GIMME SEASON 2!!

(You can listen to the podcast for free wherever you get your podcasts, I listen on iTunes. A new podcast came out every Tuesday after the episode release on Wednesday on SerialBox. SerialBox is an app and the serialized fiction comes at a price. But let's be real, it's no more expensive than an eBook or physical copy. I'm 90% sure you can read the first episode for free so check it out before you subscribe if you're unsure. I personally liked to read each episode then listen to the corresponding podcast once it released before reading the next episode. But feel free to listen to the entire podcast than read or just read or just listen to the podcast or do as I did! There's no wrong way. Enjoy! )