A review by urlphantomhive
Riot by Sarah Mussi



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I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

It's 2018 and in order to stop the problem of overpopulation a very immoral and unpopular bill is about to pass parliament. Stop the 'lower demographic' from having any children by sterilizing them. (How this was ever supposed to have passed an ethical committee beats me).

Tia is EVE, mother of an internet group protesting this new bill. And of course, Tia can't just be any girl, she has to be the daughter of the minister who came up with it in the first place! The world is so conveniently small!

We're thrown straight into the action, as peaceful protesting turns into rioting and killing people on sight before you can even say 'Stop the No More Children In Need-bill'. No introduction is provided, and an actual explanation arrives nowhere during the story. I'm still trying to figure out how people would vote for this?

The premise was very good, it had all kinds of things I like. The dystopian setting, in London! An ethical issue! But it disappointed me. I never felt anything for any of the characters, I was annoyed by the obligatory love-plot I didn't think was necessary at all, and overall it is just a mess of a lot of things happening for -seemingly- no particular reason... I wouldn't recommend.