A review by megancortez
Dune by Frank Herbert


A truly remarkable story to be told, the originality and cleverness on their own deserve full stars!

But I'm setting it at 4 stars only because there were many moments (increasing as the book wore on) where Paul's character felt unconnected, inconsistent, and very difficult to follow or understand his motivations. While he held his many aliases, it still did not feel like even those were consistent within themselves... I recognize that a certain amount of disconnectedness was necessary for the rhetoric of Paul's changes, but it felt sometimes like the writing didn't quite live up to its intentions.

That said, I loved the unfolding of a story about a boy who becomes a man who becomes an idea - a powerful idea. An idea which may turn out to be much more violent, evil, and sinister than it at first appeared...

Very excited to read the second book!!