A review by thechaliceofaries
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Yong


This was a thoroughly enjoyable and fascinating read. Despite having done a module on microbiology in my first year at university, my interest in microbes remained relatively dormant until I read I Contain Multitudes. This book changed all of that. Starting with a short introduction to our history with the microorganisms we share our world with, to evaluating how our relationship with them have evolved over the decades, and filled with wonderfully curious and startling facts and discoveries not just about the microbes themselves, but of their roles in our health, development and future; several chapters into this book, I felt like I was seeing and thinking about microbes everywhere, in relation to everything. This book not only opened my eyes to the ubiquitous and brilliant nature of microbes, it gave me a newfound appreciation for the ones who cohabit my body – millions and millions of tiny little creatures that have turned me into a living, dynamic ecosystem.

While having a basic understanding of microbiology did help make it easier to understand the information in this book, the language has been made accessible even to audiences without any scientific background. Ed Young has a true gift for writing – his strength lies in his ability to fashion clever, easily-comprehensible analogies in order to break down complex biological systems and theories. This book is also brimming with humour and passion. I particularly enjoyed the section at the end regarding synthetic biology and the potential for “microbial medicine” in our future. It completely changed my perspective on microorganisms, and I can’t recommend it enough.