A review by spiffysarahruby
Guts by Raina Telgemeier


Oh lord, this book hit me with all the feels. It was so familiar.

In middle school I got bullied by a teacher and my stress started going to my stomach. That got solved quickly by a fantastic guidance counselor.

Fast forward to March 2016 (literally Super Tuesday in Oklahoma of the Primary Election--I got my vote in for Bernie but had to stop for a bathroom 3 times on the way!), I caught some kind of stomach bug that apparently altered my guts FOREVER. Of course 2016 was STRESSFUL for so many reasons, and things since then have been stressful. Anyway, I spent 3 years of tenacious-D and stomach aches, going to gastro docs to see what was wrong. I could only get a diagnosis of IBS, which LITERALLY means "you have gastrointestinal issues, but we don't know what's causing it.
Sowwy." That has got to be the most helpless diagnosis. :(

After switching to a new doc that was fine with doing ALL THE TESTS (which I was happy to do), I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease. At age 33? How something like this pops up in the middle of your life, I don't understand (thought it was probably that virus that effed up my guts). It's been a journey, that's for sure.

I've now been living the gluten-free life for 3 years now and things are MUCH better on the gastro front, but due to the pandemic, my brain/emotions/hormones, etc. just all got effed back up. So even the stress and therapy part of this story hit home for me.

Getting help really can be the hardest thing to ask for, but once you START, oh my lord does it help. This book was a great read for a 36 year old and I can't imagine how VITAL this book will be for contemporary middle school kids!!! All kids need to read this book. ALL. OF. THEM.