A review by bookswithnopictures
Host for the Holidays by Martha Keyes


This love-triangle-that-wasn't could have joined the others I don't care for because I cannot stand cheating. Luckily for me, the formulaic love triangle I've grown accustomed to was handled in a different way that had me equal parts relieved and jonesing for some french bread and cheese. And can I just tell you that I want to visit Martha's Paris? The one I've seen is not quite as magical and lovely, but I'll blame the scaffolding and construction that is everywhere right now while they prepare for the Olympics.
Madi hops off a plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan - nope, scratch that. But now that song is stuck in my head - in Paris and encounters a series of unfortunate events. She has no luggage, the taxi driver ripped her off, and she just threw a shampoo bottle at an interloper who ends up being her Host for the Holidays. Her boyfriend is MIA and every fear is coming to fruition. Remy to the rescue!
I sincerely hope that Martha continues writing in this genre alongside her historicals. The only thing I didn't love was the overabundance of similes - to which a lot of contemporary indie authors us. This sweet romance has a very relatable heroine, forced proximity, and some swoony feels in an elevator. Remy is such a lovable cinnamon roll it's practically a crime.
Thank you to the author for the advanced copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.