A review by nerdinthelibrary
Predatory by Brooklyn Ray

1) Darkling
2) Undertow
2.5) Unbroken

content warnings: violence, child abuse, magical drug use, explicit sex, consensual pain during sex
representation: mlm protagonist, asian mlm main character, interracial m/m main relationship, trans mlm main character, gay main character of colour, m/m side interracial relationship, black sapphic side character, m/m minor relationship

“This was an endangered version of Tyler, a part of him Donovan only caught while they were alone together. He’d seen it when they were dancing, pressed close and breaking boundaries, heard it when Tyler called him baby, felt it in a smile hidden in Donovan’s neck after an edging session. [...] That smile—the one Tyler gave him, coy and loose—came from a place Donovan wished he could access whenever he wanted.”

I can't even express how hard you are all sleeping on this series! This is the third installment in the Port Lewis Witches series and follows Donovan, a wereleopard trying to deal with his magic, his fucked up relationship with Tyler, and the messy situation his circle mates have gotten them all into.

This book delivers on everything all the other ones did; great writing, fantastic atmosphere, hot, kinky sex, endearing characters, it's all still here! This is easily one of the most consistent series I've ever read and I could genuinely read ten more of these and never get bored.

I fucking loved Donovan and Tyler's relationship. You may not know this about me but I am a sucker for a good angsty romance, and these boys deliver. They're both full of so much angst individually and put together they're an angsty mess. But even with all that sweet, sweet angst, there are still several incredibly well-written, incredibly erotic sex scenes that are probably the least kinky of the series thus far, but are still super kinky.

I can't even express how much I love the constant explicit consent throughout the sex scenes that Brooklyn Ray writes. There's also frequent discussion of things like BDSM etiquette and just generally how to make sex not suck for the person you're with, and it makes my lil heart sing to see all of that in a witchy erotica new adult series.

I'm also loving the direction the plot in this series is going. The plot generally will take a backseat for the sexy times, but that doesn't mean that Brooklyn Ray is slacking off in that department. The trajectory of the plot is so interesting and I love how it manages to weave all the characters together in seemingly effortless ways. I will never get tired of the fun cameos that are littered throughout this series.

Honestly, this book was a perfect third entry in this series. I'm so glad I saw someone I'm following review the first book because otherwise there's no way I would've ever heard of this series, and my life would be much worse for it. If you want a quick, witchy, sexy read, then you should definitely pick up this series, you won't regret it.

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.