A review by ashleighbeanxo
The Archived by V.E. Schwab


Mackenzie Bishop is a Keeper. Not in a sporting sense, or that she'll make someone very happy one day. No, you see, Mackenzie, since the age of 12 years old, has been making sure dead people stay dead. When someone dies, they make a History, and the Histories are kept in an Archive. Sometimes the Histories wake up and escape, and it's up to Keepers to bring them back to the Archive.

Mackenzie's grandfather was a Keeper, and before he dies, he names her as his successor. Normally you have to be 16 years old to join as a Keeper, but Mackenzie manages to impress one of the Librarians, Roland, and she's the youngest Keeper to be anointed.

One year after the death of her younger brother Ben, Mackenzie and her family move into an apartment building which used to be a hotel. Her mother is planning on turning the cafe downstairs into a family business, but Mackenzie has more important things on her mind. Like the fact that so many Histories are running loose in the area, and one of them appears armed with a knife. Just how are the Histories escaping? Is someone helping them?

I really enjoyed this book. I love the majority of stuff that comes from Victoria Schwab, under whatever name, but this has to be one of my favourites from her. The concept of the dead being kept in an archive was just fascinating for me, and I managed to devour this book in a few hours.

One of my favourite characters in this book was Wes. I don't think we saw enough of him, and I loved the relationship between him and Mackenzie. I think he was good for her, in a sense that
Spoilershe could be herself around him and not have to lie about being a Keeper. I hope in the next book their flirtation blossoms into something more!!

The mystery of the Histories was intriguing, and I had a few suspicions as to what was going down, but I didn't guess the full story. The ending had me on the edge of my seat, and I already can't wait to read the second one.