A review by nonna7
Final Catcall by Sofie Kelly


Suspend all belief systems when you read anything in this series. If you like cats, mysteries and a touch of romance, then this is a fun little series. This is the 5th in a series featuring Kathleen, a young librarian who accepts a position at a small town library in Minnesota after losing both her job and her long time love. Unlike a lot of writers, the author has crammed five mysteries in a one year period. Kathleen keeps busy, that's for sure! In this book, Kathleen's one year contract is coming to an end. She has to make a decision. Will she stay in Minnesota despite the fact that her family is in Boston? (I think the answer is obvious, but....) Anyway, in the meantime there is a theater festival going on in town that was moved after a fire caused them to lose their location in a nearby town. There's some talk of a jinx because of the play they are putting on. In the meantime, the food tasting festival from the last book is winding down, and Marcus and Kathleen seem to be at an impasse. He accuses her of not trusting him. She thinks that they're just not going to work out. Then out of the blue her former fiance comes to Boston trying to convince her to come back with him. He's had his first marriage annulled, says he realizes that he made a mistake and hangs around town charming everyone - almost everyone that is. However, it's over. Kathleen knows it. She just has to convince him. Then the director for the theater festival is murdered. This was a fun little book although I think the author threw something of a curveball that involves some of the characters. I don't like characters introduced half way through a book. Anyway, no big deal. It's a fun, if predictable book with two cute cats. It's also a fast and enjoyable read.