A review by suze_1624
Consent by A.J. Rose


After really liking the first two books - with the subject matter, enjoying always seems the wrong word - I was keen to get into book three. I did read some reviews which made me hold off a bit, more so that I had time to give to the read, rather than trying to fit in 10 minute snatches.
This was a real rip your heart out and put it back together book - the difficult subject matter of kidnap, prostitution, abuse of power, rape, god it makes your blood boil the things people will do to other people for money. 
The Myah chapters are hard to read, seeing what she and the boys endured, the callousness of their captors, the absence of any compassion for a life.
The chapters where Cole, Ben and Gavin are looking for her are rife with their desperation - though not as traumatic to read obviously.
SpoilerThe parts that most people seem to have problems with are Myah's rape and the threesome. Whilst not good to read, the rape did set the scene of desparation and desolation very well. McKnight added to the mix with Ben and Gavin for a night was hot - I enjoyed it! I never felt he or the situation was a threat to their relationship. 
The part that upset me the most was Brady and Myah's beating, so horrid, I did have to tell myself it is a story but I did feel full of impotent rage. Got to the stage that I didn't want to read what torture was going to come next in the Myah chapters.

It is not for the faint hearted I think, and whilst I am glad I read and am in awe of the writing talent of AJ Rose, it is probably the one book in the series that I would think twice about before rereading.