A review by tpaulschulte
Mutation by Michael McBride


Thank you to Net Galley for an adavnce reader ebook of this book.
This was the third book in the Unit 51 series following, Suhuman and Forsaken. Is it the last Unit 51 novel? I guess we have to wait and see. For one, I am really hoping it isn't these books were fun. A little fantastic at times but entertaining as all get out and isn't that why we read. To get away from the real world? To many authors today keep interjecting theirn politics, etc, into their works, therefore putting a damper on my enthusuasm to read more of their work.
McBride is pure entertainment. If you like books that just move and have science, archeology, ancient mysteries and some pretty scary creatures. This is the book for you.
A word to the wise though, you really need to start at the beginning with Subhuman. McBride shows a deft hand at moving all the parts and locales while building and growing his characters. What is at stake in Mutation? Nothing less than the end of the world as we know it. From the Great Pyramid at Giza to the rainforrests of Mexico and the ruins of La Venta to an abandoned air force base that is much more than it seems. Monsters, pandemics, and ancient mysteries galore are in these books.
You will love them.