A review by sus_would_rather_be_reading
White Noise by Lark Taylor


Man gets stuck in a lift with a rockstar on his way to a job interview. Ends up receiving multiple types of jobs šŸ˜

This was my first non-PNR Lark Taylor read and while the rock star/famous person isnā€™t a trope Iā€™d usually reach for, it was lovely read. I mean itā€™s Lark Taylor, so of course it was lovely. And of course it made me cry. Although I managed not to shed any tears until the 14% mark which I think is a personal record when it comes to her books.

These two men suck at communication and both come with their fair share of well-founded trust issues. And while I found myself actually yelling ā€œOMG JUST TALK TO EACH OTHERā€ out loud at my kindle a couple times, both characters were empathetic and it totally made sense why they werenā€™t willing to lay everything out on the table.

As is my usual complaint when a book starts out with an MC being cheated on, my only real criticism is that the offending ex didnā€™t meet a very gruesome unfortunate end or at least get shat on by a pigeon.