A review by avalinahsbooks
Swans Are Fat Too by Michelle Granas


An alright slice-of-life romance, although I’ve read better from Michelle Granas. Michelle Granas usually writes intellectual romances – romances of minds, and this is no different. That was certainly the most enjoyable part of the book.

Hania is making the best of what she's got. And what she's got isn't the best. She's been told she can't be a pianist despite her tremendous talent – simply because she's very obese and the public won't like looking at her. Hania's also been thrown into a family situation – having to watch two very problematic children, her cousins, whose parents have dumped them like some unwanted things. She's also got a little problem with the fact that she's got no money, said parents haven't left any, the kids are hiding something and she's got quite a crush on the guy upstairs.

The book reminded me of a Victorian novel – a kind family-oriented woman, who is in no position to become a sought-for companion or bride, takes care of children, is their only hope, is also forced into somewhat tough circumstances. However, it also fell short in certain regards – a somewhat loose and not very satisfying ending, the fact that Hania had to lose some weight before the man upstairs admitted he was in love with her (although I’m sure it wasn’t meant that way), and just the general way the story is told. Definitely three stars, but if you want a better read from this author, check out [b:Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law|23502847|Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law|Michelle Granas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1415184705s/23502847.jpg|24192476].