A review by myestorie
Let Me Free You by Alexandria House


Neil and Sage have one of the best stories out of this series. Throughout the other stories, Neil is displayed as the family screw up. This story explains his struggles and his story of redemption. Sage is about to be deported, and Neil agrees to marry her to prevent deportation. Their romance began as a marriage of convenience, and ended up being a romance that neither of them were prepared for, but both appreciated everything.

I enjoyed that the story dealt with deeper issues than the previous stories. Neil overcome an addiction, his love for all things black, and the way he connected with Sage on a spiritual level was tied in perfectly. Sage had her own triumphs with overcoming her insecurities and I love how Neil stepped up to her ex, especially since he helped add to her insecurities.

This was overall a great story and I was happy to see all of the McClain’s happy and in love.