A review by kribu
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Vol. 4: The School of Death by Rachael Stott, Robbie Morrison


I actually put off reading this for a little while because .. well, I'm fairly sure it's the last even semi-official bit of Twelve and Clara in action that there will be in a long time, if ever. And that is a sad thought that makes me sigh. Sadly.

That said, I rather loved both the main story (The School of Death) and the second, shorter story (the title of which I didn't manage to find anywhere). Rachael Stott's art is fabulous, especially her take on Twelve (can you fancy a comic book character? because hot damn!), and there were bits it in that made me go "aww", in addition to all the fun running-from-Sea-Devils and running-from-the-Boneless stuff.

... alas, the book ended with another short one where the art was clearly done by someone else and while the story in and of itself wasn't particularly bad, just kinda short and pointless, every panel with the Doctor on it made me wince rather a bit.