A review by geekxgirl
Hot Cop by Sierra Simone, Laurelin Paige


2.5 Stars

Honestly, there's not much to say about this book. It was a decent read but in the end forgettable. Nothing really special stood out for me. Just average, really.

What this book was, was over-the-top sexytimes. Which was fun and super hot. It had a unique plot, I'll give it that. I did appreciate that both main characters had an actual backstory for their relationship issues. It had a few cute moments and I did really enjoy Chase's family members. Other than that, nothing much else stood out for me.

What did stand out for me, and not in a good way was...
The heroine Livia and her "reasons" which felt totally blown out of proportion. And yes, it may have helped had the author really fleshed out the details of her insecurities. What the author DID DO was drop little fact bombs with little explanation as to what exactly happened to make her feel this way other than a vague description alluding to her few serious relationships ending with the guys cheating or breaking up with her. So throughout the WHOLE ENTIRE BOOK she held extremely tight to the whole "All men leave" motto which was obnoxious and offensive to the hero Chase. I hated how she was so biased and placed all men in the same box, which wasn't fair and as the story progresses became increasingly annoying.

Chase was easily the best part of the book. He was hot, sweet and was great with kids. Oh, and he had a beard. I mean, come on! Nailed it. Honestly, though, he made this book worth finishing. I thought his reasons for not wanting a serious relationship was a unique spin for someone with his career. I loved his growing possessiveness toward her and his constant FEELZ. And his whole wanting to claim her and mark her with his sperm, I know, yes, that sounds like it should be disgusting and in some contexts, it is but I assure you with Chase it came across very endearing. Ultimately him coming to realize he DOES want kids and the caveman FEELZ he gets over the idea of actually knocking her up was just entertaining.

What didn't work for me? Well, Livia. Ther heroine. She just had too many things about her that bugged me. I found her hard to relate to and her constantly over dramatizing her turning thirty was completely ridiculous and not in a "haha that's funny" kind of way. It was stupid. And she came across cold or unfeeling in many scenes and her logic when it came to her choices in life or her relationship with Chase either annoyed me or pissed me off. I rolled my eyes so many times I'm amazed they aren't stuck looking at my brain.

And then the miraculous turn around in the last chapter because of a hospital scare. Such a cliche! Man, Chase was adorable in those scenes though... but really Livia just needed to be smacked upside the head.

The book had a decent push-and-pull relationship between the two but when rounding those final chapters it just did not work for me.
SpoilerFor both of them to realize they're in love with one another, and want more and to continue their relationship. This being after she learns she's pregnant, btw. She pleads with Chase NOT to say he loves her and continues to preach that "she's not his." "they don't belong to one another." and "all men leave."

S I G H.

So sum it up, if you can deal with a cold judgmental heroine who is over dramatic and logically impaired then YES READ THIS BOOK. And because Chase is TOTALLY worth it if you can deal with Livia.