A review by ashkitty93
Buried Heart by Kate Elliott


A blistering end to an excellent trilogy. I have to say, I actually found myself slightly bored around the halfway mark - I wasn't expecting this series to go from an athletic competition into straight-up revolution AT ALL, and I was a little miffed about it. A lot of books lately seem to take a similar tone. And I've seen the state of the world, I get it. But I recalibrated my expectations and was so glad to see Jes get back to the Fives by the end of this book.

I was never a fan of Ro and never saw any chemistry there whatsoever, so that "subplot" was wasted on me (maybe this pertains more to Poisoned Blade? idk). And I never did get around to snapping up the two short stories, so now I'm off to see what happened to Bett.

Georgia Dolenz was a brilliant narrator for this trilogy.

Kiss off, adversaries.