A review by gimchi
Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno


definitely not what i was expecting - i had started with meno's 'demons in the spring' which i *loved*; it was so quirky and original. this, however, was far more normal, though still enjoyable.

confession: i am a music dunce. truly. i grew up on disney and used to know all the words to the songs from 20,000 leagues under the sea. ("i've got a whale of a tale to tell you lads, a whale of a tale or two... 'bout the flappin' fish and the girls i've loved...")

so, most of this book was totally lost on me. in many ways, i just could not relate at ALL to the characters who identify themselves through metal and punk music. i've only recently (last 6 yrs) started expanding my musical horizons beyond disney and rex harrison musicals so i can't relate to the misfits or the dead kennedy's or punk in any fashion. and when friends (i'm looking at you megan!) reference meg white, it takes me a few minutes to think, "meg white... meg white... uhhhh... white... OH YEA! from the white stripes. got it. yeaaaaaa!"

despite never being a smoker, never doing drugs, not really drinking (except legally in paris on a graduation high school trip) or having sex or doing much of anything underage, uh... i suppose i found this book fascinating - like a cultural study on a subset of teenagers in america. just not one that i was a part of.