A review by boomwormbrittany
Dreamin' Sun Vol. 9 by Ichigo Takano


Dreamin' Sun follows a girl named Shimana who runs away from home. She feels as if she is not wanted with her dad, his new wife and her younger brother. When she stumbles upon a guy in the park, she is invited to live with him and his other two roommates. What ensues from there is a story of falling in love and the difficulties that comes with that.
How did this manage to make me feel so happy, sad and utterly single all in one go? I want to know this manga's secrets.
All joking aside, I loved this volume of the manga. This has quickly become one of my favorite mangas that I've read. Ichigo Takano has a way of storytelling and drawing that just instantly sucks me in. I experienced so many emotions while reading this book from happiness to sadness. It was such a quick read but one that really filled me with so much joy.
As always, I love Shimana. She can be a bit naive at times but that adds to her charm as a main character. Zen is such a funny and adorable character and I just want him to be happy. Of course I also love Ashito and the Landlord in this as they add so much to the story. All these characters work together in their own sweet and quirky ways. I love what everyone brings to the story. This a very quiet story but one that packs an emotional punch.
I also have to give a quick shout out to the find Poko game in this. I love corgi's and having to find that little corgi throughout the manga makes this extra fun to read.
I am so nervous for the next volume of this because I have no idea of what is to come. Volume ten is going to be an emotional rollercoaster but I am so ready for it. This is definitely a manga series that I will be going back to and re-reading time and time again. If you're looking for a sweet and fast series to read, definitely pick this one up.